Samstag, 11. November 2017

secret rendevouz

Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Wispers in the wind - Blonds COLLABOR88

Skin: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* CATWA Head "Maxille 2" Mixedtype 

                                                      @ DeeTaleZ 

Eyes: [ session ] Alive Mesh Eyes v1.0 @ Session Skins

Eye-Makeup: CAZIMI: Makeup - Harvest Eyeshadows @ Monthly-10

Nails: CAZIMI: Nails - Autumnal Neutrals Monthly-10

Top: TABOU. Veronica Top -Red  (Maitreya) @ The Liaison Collaborative

Jeans: Loordes Of London: The Kilkenny Collection-#1-P-LARA

                                                        @ The Secret Garden

Necklace: CODEX_NECKLACE SOPHIA  @ Cosmopolitan

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